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Thermal transfer printers: TE210 (TSC)

Thermal transfer printers: TE210 (TSC)

Max. print width: 108 mm, max. print speed is 152.4 mm/s, Resolution: 203 DPI, internally scalable True-Type fonts, max. outer diameter of roll: 127 mm.
Please contact our technical advisers if you have any queries. We are happy to help you!

Total price (net):
110 115,72 Ft / Piece
110 115,72 Ft incl. VAT 0%
Information for companies that are entitled to deduct input tax outside Germany: If you enter your EU VAT number during the ordering process, the VAT rate is 0%. Otherwise the German sales tax of 16% will apply.
From 10 Piece: Unit price = 103 508,78 Ft (= 6% Discount)
From 20 Piece: Unit price = 95 800,68 Ft (= 13% Discount)
4.9/5 Customer Testimonials: 759