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Famo-Druck and harder-online establish Swiss distribution company

The Swiss Famo-Druck AG and harder-online GmbH from Germany recently signed a joint venture agreement. The aim of the newly founded harder-online Schweiz GmbH is to distribute the complete product range of the German system provider of packaging materials in Switzerland. The sales company is based in Alpnach in the canton of Obwalden.

"This cooperation is a win-win for both sides and an excellent opportunity for us to position harder-online's innovative packaging products, such as labels, multi-layer labels, folding boxes, shipping cartons and package inserts, even better in the Swiss market," say the two managing directors of harder-online Schweiz GmbH, Beat Vogel and Stefan Scalet, looking forward to the collaboration.

Through joint distribution, both production units gain better access to the market and can strengthen their presence in Switzerland. For the Alpnach-based printing experts, this step means the leap from local direct printer to the Champions League of Swiss online printers.

"Our main concern is that the new distribution company offers added value to Swiss customers: High-quality packaging, at affordable conditions. Our operation has been certified to Nestlé HACCP and therefore also produces to this standard for the strong Swiss food industry."
All products of harder-online Schweiz GmbH are now available in the Swiss online shop For the Swiss market, a competent team of consultants is available for personal customer support.

About Labelprint24

The online print shop Labelprint24 is a leading German system provider of packaging materials. Since 2018, Labelprint24 has already employed over 90 people at its locations in Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland. In the meantime, Labelprint24 not only produces labels and multilayer labels but also folding boxes, package inserts, laminate tubes and pouch packaging. Throughout Europe, Labelprint24's packaging materials are among the TOP brands for packaging and labelling products of all kinds.

Press contact:

Robert Hohmuth
harder-online GmbH
An der Borntelle 4
01619 Zeithain
+49 (0) 751 56168-262

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Eight years ago, I launched "", my first online shop for labels with real-time calculation. Today, the internet has become the most important sales platform. Since 2010, we have consistently developed from a classic commercial printer to a label printer. 

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