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About the author

Christoph zumdick

Christoph Zumdick

With many years of experience in the print and packaging sector, Christoph Zumdick is responsible for the content on the website, among other things. As diverse as the tasks and as different as the target groups may be - the basis of his work is a differentiated view of new trends in the print and packaging sector and a passionate interest in current events in technology and the environment. Christoph Zumdick @Xing

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Industry knowledge

Return to Sender - Worth knowing about address labels

Today, parcel service providers such as DHL, Hermes and others scan customers' addresses using automated systems. Here, a correctly labelled address label is of great importance. This is especially true for parcels and packages. 


Basic knowledge: what is secondary packaging?

As far as direct contact with the product is concerned, secondary packaging really does take a back seat. But this does not make them any less important: they serve as additional protection for primary packaging and packaged goods, play a central role in shipping and are also indispensable in marketing. Reasons enough to take a closer look at secondary packaging.


Basic knowledge packaging: between product safety and marketing - What is primary packaging?

There are many types of packaging and they are very different. This applies not only to the variety of shapes and materials - but above all to their respective intended use. In logistics, a fundamental distinction is therefore made between primary, secondary and tertiary packaging. We explain what primary packaging is and what special requirements it has to fulfil.

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