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New location: labelprint24 moves to Zeithain

Großenhain - The packaging manufacturer labelprint24 wants to relocate its production from Großenhain to the Zeithain Nord industrial estate by the end of 2017. The pan-European e-commerce provider of labels, folding boxes and package inserts urgently needs more space but will remain in the "Saxon Elbeland" region.

The decision has been made: Before the end of this year, production is to be relocated from the current site on "Wildenhainer Straße" in Großenhain to Zeithain, in the former warehouse of the electrical retailer BTF "An der Borntelle". The 40-plus employees from Großenhain will have easy access to the new printing plant in Zeithain, Saxony, which is only a few kilometres away. The proximity to the large district town of Riesa and southern Brandenburg also makes the packaging manufacturer even more interesting as an employer for job seekers from these regions.

Due to the continued good business development, the company is looking for employees in many areas of the business. "Without our committed and highly qualified employees, this business success would not be possible," says Stefan Harder, owner of labelprint24 and Managing Director of the Harder Online Group of Companies.

The packaging manufacturer labelprint24 has grown strongly in recent years and is planning further investments in the production of labels, multi-layer labels and folding carton production. Due to strong customer demand, new digitally manufactured products have been added to the range. The company wants to convert the currently unused warehouse into one of the most modern digital printing plants in Europe, and to do so in the shortest possible time. A real challenge. "We have already bought new machines that we can only put in the new hall," Stefan Harder explained the decision to the "Sächsische Zeitung". For example, labelprint24 recently expanded its machinery with additional digital printing systems and finishing equipment, such as a punching and glueing machine for the production of folding boxes.

A strong balance sheet in the 2016 business year

Increased customer demand for digitally printed labels and a larger product portfolio of digitally manufactured packaging materials continued to fuel labelprint24's corporate development in 2016. The company picked up full speed again in 2016: In the core business of "digital" labels, sales growth was over 20 per cent. Over 3000 B2B customers have been acquired in recent years and the number of employees has now grown to over 60. New sales offices in Hungary and Poland facilitate access to the respective markets. The online shop for labels, label accessories, folding boxes and leaflets is now available in 13 country versions.

Through constant process optimisation, an almost maximum degree of print automation was achieved in the digital print factory in Großenhain. Particularly important was the expansion of systems for individual connection to customer ERP systems. Additional capacities were created in the segment of digital production of sandwich and booklet labels and a new, innovative inline finishing solution was connected to reduce the complete processing of the labels, such as varnishing, die-cutting and winding, to a single operation.

The topic of "mass customisation" also played an important role in 2016. With the help of in-house IT, the first shop systems for mass customisation of packaging were developed and implemented. For example, the online shop offers a full service for individually designed beverage cans and bottles for promotional campaigns, trade fairs and events.


About Labelprint24

The online print shop Labelprint24 is a leading German system provider of packaging materials. Since 2018, Labelprint24 has already employed over 90 people at its locations in Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland. In the meantime, Labelprint24 not only produces labels and multilayer labels but also folding boxes, package inserts, laminate tubes and pouch packaging.Throughout Europe, Labelprint24's packaging materials are among the TOP brands for packaging and labelling products of all kinds.

Press contact:

Robert Hohmuth
harder-online GmbH
An der Borntelle 4
01619 Zeithain
+49 (0) 751 56168-262

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