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Cosmetic labels

Cosmetic labels


Are you looking for a cosmetic label that presents your product attractively and uniquely? That embosses flacons, bottles and tubes alike? Order cosmetic labels from!

  • Perfect adhesion on various substrates
  • Available in transparent and highly transparent materials
  • First-class print and processing quality

Discover the wide range of labels from!

  • Production
    From 2 days
  • Material
    Foil / Paper
  • Format
    100% Free
  • Option
    Foil finishing

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Cosmetics sell on emotion, rarely on content, and with the cosmetics label comes its own marketing tool.


Good mood on the skin: nothing stands so clearly for lifestyle and the joy of one's own body as the many cans, bottles and tubes of cosmetics, make-up and care products. The market for cosmetic products is huge, because for women and men, a cool, refreshing shower gel in the morning, a fragrant shampoo after a workout or a sensual body lotion have long been an expression of treating oneself to something beneficial for one's own body and stressed soul in our exciting times.

Photo by: Petra Bork /   Photo by: Julien Christ /

Cosmetic labels influence the purchase decision

Statistically, an average multi-person household contains almost 100 different cosmetics and care products, from toothpaste to perfume to skin cream. Germans spend about 13 billion euros a year on body care products and the share of organic brands or natural care products is increasing disproportionately. For the consumer, this variety is hardly manageable. Therefore, it takes a visual kick to decide in favour of a particular product among the mass of brands in the drugstore or on the supermarket shelf. This purchase decision is not primarily influenced by the content, but by the advertising and the product packaging, i.e. the cosmetics labels.


Cosmetic labels have many tasks

The cosmetics label has many tasks to solve. It should arouse curiosity about the contents, must convey information about ingredients and application and make expensive packaging material superfluous. Many products are not bought because of the content, but because of the packaging! For a small cosmetics label to be able to do all this, it must meet the requirements of the manufacturers of products in the beauty and care sector 100 per cent. High-quality products need high-quality labels, with very special, industry-typical properties.

We are the cosmetic label experts

With our cosmetic labels, we produce high-quality adhesive roll labels in numerous variants. We produce multi-coloured labels just as easily as refined labels with cold foil embossing, hot foil embossing or in the no-label look. Cosmetic labels must be waterproof or resistant to essential oils and fats, for example. Paper labels and standard labels made of foil are not suitable here. We produce professional cosmetic labels according to the Cosmetics Ordinance that are absolutely abrasion-resistant, smudge-proof, permanently legible and durable. With our modern equipment and the new, high-quality cosmetic labels „Piché by Harder“, we are now in a position to implement customer wishes in any edition, shape, colour, label material and personalisation in the shortest possible production time.

Labels on roll for cosmeticsCream jar with cosmetic label

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Cosmetic labels - Summer, sun, sunburn?

Holiday at last! The holiday season has begun and millions of sun-seeking holidaymakers are packing bottles and tubes of sunscreen into their beauty cases. But have you ever taken a look at the cosmetic labels for sun care products? Have you noticed the variety of information contained on the cosmetic labels of after-sun, self-tanning or sun protection products?

Cosmetic labels have to withstand a lot

The market for sun care products is worth 7.5 billion euros worldwide, with Europeans who love to travel accounting for the largest share of per capita consumption. Each of these products requires a cosmetic label, which is usually designed in a transparent no-label look. In order not to lose shape and legibility on the hot sandy beach, cosmetic labels must have properties such as water and heat resistance, scratch resistance and oil resistance. They must be flexibly stretchable so that they stick firmly to the packaging when the contents are squeezed out.

Cosmetic Label for Body LotionCosmetic label for face cream

Labelling according to uniform rules

Cosmetic labels of sunscreen products should be clear and concise for the consumer. The labels, including a UVA logo or seal on the bottles and the prohibition of misleading expressions such as "sun blocker" or "total protection", are due to a recommendation of the EU Commission and COLIPA (the European association of the perfumery and personal care industry). Every consumer, young or old, should be well informed about the measures that can be taken to protect oneself from the UV radiation of the sun in order to avoid sunburn and the risk of skin cancer. And labels for cosmetics, beauty products or in perfumery convey this much information on their surface.

The space miracle: booklets for cosmetic labels

The amount of information that has to be printed on cosmetics packaging is therefore very extensive. Especially as it is often required in several languages. Therefore, the space on the cosmetic labels is sometimes insufficient. The perfect solution for manufacturers and consumers are the booklet labels from Labelprint24. They offer enough space to accommodate multilingual information on sunscreen, for example, and save the production of additional outer packaging.

Improved labelling on cosmetic labels

The requirements for the labelling of sunscreen products on their efficacy and the manufacturer's claims include the following:

  • Claims such as "sunblocker" , "one hundred percent protection" and "total protection should no longer be used because no sunscreen can provide complete protection from UV radiation.
  • As a guideline for choosing the appropriate sunscreen product, standardised verbal indications ("low", "medium", "high" and "very high" protection level) should be used in addition to the conventional indication of the sun protection factor (SPF).
  • Better labelling of UVA protection: UVB radiation causes what is known as sunburn, whereas UVA radiation leads to premature skin ageing and disruption of the human immune system. Both types of radiation contribute significantly to the risk of skin cancer.
  • The industry has introduced a standardised UVA seal on its product labels that indicates a quantified minimum UVA protection; this increases according to the sun protection factor and is based on a standardised test procedure.
  • Instructions for use, dosage and manufacturer's instructions.

Labelprint24's cosmetic labels meet all the above requirements. As label specialists, we know exactly what the regulations are and can supply you with customised labels for cosmetics, perfumery and other beauty products.

Cosmetic label for hair oilCosmetic spray bottle with transparent label

Additional information

What else consumers should know this summer

Consumers should look for products labelled according to the uniform system. At the same time, it is advised to complement sunscreen products with other protective measures:

  • Do not spend excessive time in the sun during the time of day with the highest radiation exposure (usually between 11 am and 3 pm).
  • If it is not possible to avoid the sun, then protect yourself by wearing appropriate clothing; hats and sunglasses can provide additional protection.
  • Use sunscreens that protect against both UVB and UVA radiation.
  • Do not expose babies and young children directly to the sun.
  • Apply sunscreen in sufficient quantity. The correct application of the product is as important as the choice of the product.

To achieve the protection indicated by the "sun protection factor", an amount of 2mg/cm² must be applied. This corresponds to about 36 grams (6 teaspoons) of sunscreen for the body of an adult. Currently, consumers usually use only about half of this amount. After swimming or drying off, this amount must be reapplied to maintain protection.
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